Monday, September 24, 2007

The Ride to Stop Gateway
Welcome Al Gore to Vancouver and Demand Action on Climate Change

Send a strong message to Premier Campbell that Gateway is the wrong way. Rail and buses not highways.

Just in case there was not enough going on during the Day to Stop Gateway, by popular demand we have added a mass ride from the The Spirit of Sustainability Rally (starts at 3:30) to Hello Al, Goodbye Gateway Rally at the Westin Bayshore.

The Ride to Stop Gateway
Saturday, September 29
The Unitarian Church
949 West 49th at Fremlin (1 block east of Oak)

Meet by the bike parking
The ride will arrive at the Bayshore in plenty of time to catch the speakers and entertainment.
More info the Day to Stop Gateway at:

Monday, April 2, 2007

Protect BC's Farmland from Gateway & Deltaport

As a recent Vancouver Sun article said today "Maintaining our current level of food self- reliance in 2025 would require a 30- per- cent increase in agricultural production". Instead, our Provincial Government is planning to pave the richest farmlands in BC to build the South Fraser Perimeter Road and to permit the building of a rail switching yard and huge container storage lots...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Building Coalitions

What a great really yesterday at the East Delta Hall. Many thanks to Donna Passmore for pulling it all together.

A common theme among all the speakers was the need to work together - to share information, resources, passion - everything that will help us get the message out to the community at large and through the thick skulls of the politicians that haven't figured out the mess that Gateway will cause. is a local website provides lots of great examples of "actions" that any of us can take to make a difference.

If you know of any other good sites to link here, send them on...
